Monday, October 15, 2007

Save The World, Consider 1 Simple Way

Note: I am posting as part of the Blog Action Day movement. This blog is one of thousands of blogs talking about the environment on October 15, 2007.

My post may be almost late, as it's just a few minutes and Blog Action Day movement is over. So I'm going to make straight and simple. I got nothing much to write anyway, but I may make an outrageous claim.

Save The Planet. It's everywhere. You'll see and read in every form of multitude of mass media. To me though, it's quite simple: Consume less of everything. Quick and simple.

Outrageous? Not so. In anything that we consume, there has to be some resources spent and used, and in more than 1 way, some waste is pumped in our environment. Even the smallest of things you consume, it does not come as is. If we focus on the necessities only, it would do our planet a whole lot more.

That's all folks, you don't really need to understand about all the technical aspects of global warming. Let's leave to the experts. It's real, it's happening.

So, let's do our part: consume less of everything. That's it. Avoid things you can do without. Simple.

In parting, this site: Running The Numbers, by an American artist may just give you a bit of information of just how much we are hurting our environment with everything we consume.

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